*The picture you see at the top of this page is my magazine cover that I created based on the facts that occurred in 1945 and below that is my response to Anne Frank's diary. Below the response to Anne Frank's diary is a link to my top ten list of richest people in the world. Please view my top ten list. To access the top ten list, copy and paste the link into a browser.

      After reading Anne Frank's diary, I was left with multiple impressions of Anne Frank. She left me with the impression that she was depressed and deeply saddened by many events in her life because on many pages in her diary she gave hints about her depression and said that she took Valerian pills for depression. Also, she gave me the impression of her being lonely because on many occasions she states how she doesn't really have anyone who cares about her or understands her. In addition, she gave me clues of her confusion about her identity and sexual orientation because on page 130, she tells of her desire to be with a another female. Finally, I am glad that I read the book because I feel that people around the world and I should know about the life and death of Anne Frank and that the Holocaust is a subject that needs to be discussed even though it may be too mature for some and will be difficult to handle for the faint at heart.

       Many Jews were suffering during the Holocaust. They were taken to concentration camps and were killed and starved in the process of staying at the camps. Also, Nazis tried to rob them of their pride and dignity, but they remained courageous and spiritual throughout their burdens. I, too, have had to suffer because of my race. People have made racial slurs in my presence and discriminated against me in sports because of my race and gender. I believe that I have had to struggle harder in order to prove my intelligence and place in academics and sports.   

     After reading The Diary of a Young Girl, I've learned many lessons. One lesson is despite how cruel and evil human kind can be, we must learn to move forward, forgive others, and make ourselves better people. I also learned that we should not repeat problems of the past in our society. Also, we are all bonded by skin and desires, and that desire is to be loved and not judged because of our differences. Intolerance still continues today. People are hated because of race, gender, and religion. Police are race profiling and murdering innocent people, and policeman are being murdered because of bad deeds by some policemen. I have always been taught to appreciate difference among people, and so I would not have harassed anyone anyway. I am so glad that I did learn about the life of Anne Frank and the mistreatment of Jews during the Holocaust.

* https://www.powtoon.com/show/bk0E6QNRUHH/top-ten-richest-people-in-the-world/#/